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Pricing Strategies

Just as no two properties are exactly alike, the circumstances behind why you’ve decided to sell your property are unique only to you. That motivation plays a key factor in determining which pricing strategy is right for you. 

There are three pricing strategies I normally recommend, depending on your circumstances:

  • Market Price: I will prepare a market analysis of your property. Together, we select a price that supports the data. The benefit to this strategy is your property is more likely to appraise and it will attract more knowledgeable buyers and buyer agents.

  • Less is More: Using the market analysis, together we select a price that is slightly below where the data suggests. This strategy is great for people that need to sell quickly as it will grab the immediate attention of serious buyers. Often, this strategy can create more competition and lead to multiple offers, usually above what the market price would have been.

  • Retail Price: Anticipating that buyers will want to “offer less” than the list price, we use the market analysis data to select a reasonable price above market value. This provides us with a “negotiation cushion” and makes the buyers feel like they got a good deal. It is important not to severely overprice the home however otherwise you will get no offers and the property will linger on the market much longer than it should. This strategy is good for people that don’t need to sell right away. 

Remember, your lifestyle and goals play an important role in customizing a pricing strategy that is based on your best interests. When we meet, we will discuss which plan is in your best interest.