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Finding the Right Homes - Needs vs. Wants

Everyone has a different vision of their dream home and we all want to own it. But unless you have an unlimited budget, it’s unlikely you will find a home with everything exactly as you want it. That doesn’t mean I won’t try to find it for you, but it does mean you may need to compromise if the perfect home doesn’t exist. One way of determining what you are willing to compromise on is to make a list of needs versus wants.

A need is something you really must have. You cannot live without it under any circumstance. These items become non-negotiable and should be easily checked off your list when you view a home for sale.

A want is something you would like in the home but is not essential. It is an item you are willing to be flexible on, can live without, and/or can easily change after the sale.

Here are a few examples:

Needs Wants
Adequate Living Space Paint Color
Location of Property Specific Flooring
Number of Bedrooms / Bathrooms New Appliances
Garage and/or Basement Pool / Hot Tub

Some things are easily recognized as a need. For most people, heat, hot water, and electricity are basic needs. But if you find yourself saying, “that would be nice”, whatever “that” is, it probably falls under the want column. Of course, it’s not always so easy to distinguish between the two. If you are having a hard time determining if something is a need versus a want, go ahead, put it on your list as a need. Once we begin looking at homes together, we can always modify your list as we get a better feel for what your must haves really are.

Before we head out to look at homes, feel free to use this Needs vs. Wants Worksheet to help you make your own list.